La Garrigue, BB’s other house, a paradise for his animals

La Garrigue, BB’s other house, a paradise for his animals
La Garrigue, BB’s other house, a paradise for his animals

It’s superb, totally wild with a breathtaking view of the sea: La Garrigue. This is Brigitte Bardot’s other house. Vast 10 hectare estate purchased for his animals. You knew La Madrague, discover La Garrigue!

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It’s a little corner of paradise, a few kilometers from Saint-Tropez. A breathtaking view of the open sea, nature all around: this is La Garrigue. If Madrague is known to everyoneBrigitte Bardot bought a long time ago another house, called La Garrigue.

Pierre Dussart has lived here since childhood. Brigitte Bardot had given this house as a gift to her friend Jicky, Pierre’s father.

> Also read

> La Madrague, the haven of peace and the refuge of a lifetime

> BB and Saint-Tropez, a history and encounters

> “And God… created woman” and Vadim created BB

> the sea, cinema, the Côte d’Azur at the heart of BB’s career

It was my father who built it on land in Brigitte. She was the one who signed the building permit. We are at the end of Cape Saint-Tropez. There are around ten hectares here. Around, it is reserved for nature thanks to the Conservatoire du littoral.

Pierre Dussart

at France 3 Côte d’Azur

Over the years, the vast land purchased by Brigitte Bardot became a refuge for all the animals she took in. She spends more and more time there, taking care of the animals, but also escaping the tourists who track her.

You are at my home in La Garrigue in an animal paradise that has nothing to do with Saint-Tropez. It’s my own paradise.

Brigitte Bardot in 2017

France 3 Côte d’Azur.

In this photograph by Ghislain Dussart, Brigitte Bardot surrounded by her favorite animals, including a donkey and a dog.

© Ghislain Dussart

1973, thunderbolt in the cinema industry. In the middle of filming, the icon Brigitte Bardot decides to end her career to devote herself to the defense of animals. First fight, the fight against the bloody hunt of baby seals.

Brigitte Bardot quits cinema at the age of 38, she left to defend the baby seals massacred by hunters on the ice floe.

© Naïs L’Her – Seuret FTV

The years pass, the battles follow one another, the star devotes his life and his fortune to it. But she will never regret her decision.

I turned a page… This new life is like a reincarnation. I live a life very close to nature, very close to animals and very close to truth, to suffering, to pain! Joys too!

On Friday September 27, 2024, on the eve of her 90th birthday which will take place this Saturday September 28, Brigitte Bardot, whose communications are rare, published an open letter. Nearly half a century after her publicized fight for the protection of seal pups, it is this same subject that pushes her to address the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen:

I know that the Commission has reopened the debate on the European regulation which protects several hundred thousand seals each year from the blows of clubs which shatter their skulls before being skinned, alive, to supply the fur market… “ writes Brigitte Bardot.

Tomorrow I will be 90 years old, I cannot and do not want to start this same fight again and again when there are so many others to fight to improve the condition of animals in Europe and beyond!

Brigitte Bardot

Open letter to Ursula von der Leyen, September 27, 2024

To the AFP journalist who asked him this September 25, 2024, “what would be your best birthday present?”

Bardot responds:

“The most beautiful gift I could have received, after 50 years of supplications to governments, to different presidents, is the abolition of hippophagy. When I gave up cinema, it was the first thing I I asked. That we no longer kill or eat horses in France. Well, I have nothing at all!

I’ve been screaming for 50 years and no one has given me anything. I don’t have time to wait another 50 years.


to AFP on September 25.

Bardot and his dogs.

© Naïs L’Her – Seuret FTV

At the shelter of La Garrigue, Brigitte Bardot remains as fiercely involved in her fight today as she was 50 years ago.

With Nathalie Hayter.



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