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Host Jean-Pierre Foucault will star in a TV movie for the first time

After Stéphane Bern, Stéphane Plaza and Michel Cymes, the TF1 veteran lends himself to the game of Murders ata popular collection of regional public service television films.

“It was quite complicated and distressing for me”: at almost 77 years old, Jean-Pierre Foucault trades his hat as an animator for that of an actor in crime fiction Murders on the Blue Coastbroadcast on 3 on October 12.

After Stéphane Bern, Stéphane Plaza and Michel Cymes, it is the turn of the TF1 veteran to play the game of Murders ata popular collection of regional public service television films.

“A new experience”

In this new episode located west of , where he lives, Jean-Pierre Foucault plays Marc Valenci, heritage architect and main witness to the murder of a construction contractor, pushed from the top of a viaduct.

“It’s a new experience that I don’t regret having tried today,” he said during a press video conference. “But at the time, it really disturbed me,” added the man who had never played a role other than himself, apart from a brief appearance in I love you hairstyle on TF1.

“The host, he says what he thinks. (…) And, there, the fact that someone wrote for me and that I said a text that was not mine, (..) it was a little complicated”, especially since, “since my schooling, I had not learned a text by heart”, explained the emblematic presenter of the Miss France ceremony on TF1.


“At night, my wife said to me: ‘But who are you talking to?’. I replied: I don’t speak to anyone, I repeat,” joked Jean-Pierre Foucault, stressing having been helped by a tutor, Alexandre Thibault, actor like his father Jean-Marc Thibault.

“It’s been 55 years that on television, in front of a camera, I have been myself. There, I was asked to ignore the camera and play someone else,” he continued .

“Not seeking” a career as an actor, Jean-Pierre Foucault launched himself at the request of producer Christophe Koszarek, after obtaining authorization from TF1, “his house”.

“Maybe I’ll do something else again.”

Will he repeat the experience? “If the viewer ignores Jean-Pierre Foucault and only sees Marc Valenci from the first minutes, perhaps I will do something else” in a more comic register, he replies.

“He amazed us all,” assured Christophe Koszarek. “I would like to see him in comedies because in fact, quite naturally, he has a bit of a Pierre Mondy style in his acting,” argued the producer.



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