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Samy Naceri announces his marriage to his partner Sofia Athéna

Samy Naceri announces his marriage to his partner Sofia Athéna
Samy Naceri announces his marriage to his partner Sofia Athéna

Actor Samy Naceri talks about his new partner Sofia Athena, and talks about his marriage plans with the young woman 35 years younger than him.

Samy Naceri soon to be married! This Saturday September 28, 2024 the famous actor from the saga Taxiwill be in the casting of the TV movie Vivid memoriesbroadcast on 3. Questioned this Thursday by our colleagues fromEntrevue.frthe 63-year-old actor opened up about his love affair with his new partner Sofia Athéna. He notably recounts how they got to know each other: “We met two and a half years ago, through a mutual friend, who has an acting and modeling agency, because we were looking for an actress. We met once or twice at a party. It stuck, and then we saw each other again, and we fell in love“, he explained, still specifying with a laugh that the young woman “[l’a] wait six months“…

Samy Naceri discusses the age gap with his partner Sofia Athéna

During the interview, Samy Naceri also mentioned the significant age gap with his partner: “She’s 28, I’m 63. At first, it got people talking, but I don’t care. I put my happiness before people’s comments. And then she is an adult and vaccinated. I introduced myself to his parents, his parents validated our unionhe reassured before making a big announcement: “If everything goes as planned, Sofia and I are getting married. This will be my first marriage by the way“, he happily revealed.

Who is Sofia Athena, Samy Naceri’s future wife?

If Samy Naceri and Sofia Athena have already appeared together on several occasions, the young woman still remains unknown to the general public. The actor therefore said a little more about the chosen one of his heart: “She works in diamonds, she does commercials as a model, and so she plays in my film, LOL, as well as in my brother’s film, The Sword of Damocles. She amazed us. She amazed everyone (…) She is really very promising and she will prove to us very soon that we were not mistaken. And on top of that, she is a wonderful woman, and I am sure she will make a wonderful mother, because she loves children“, he said. Perhaps a way of announcing another great project with his future wife?



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