“A fetus immersed in formaldehyde”, Faustine Bollaert, in her husband’s office, this “trinket” that she can no longer bear

“A fetus immersed in formaldehyde”, Faustine Bollaert, in her husband’s office, this “trinket” that she can no longer bear
“A fetus immersed in formaldehyde”, Faustine Bollaert, in her husband’s office, this “trinket” that she can no longer bear

After television, Faustine Bollaert is embarking on a new adventure this fall. On RTL, from Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m., she presents “Heroes”. A new string to her bow, she who is already at the head of “Ça commence aujourd’hui” on 2, “Prodiges” or even “La boîte à secrets” on France 3. On the professional side, no shadow on the board for the 45-year-old woman who is making a series of recordings.

So obviously, after a tiring day, what could be better than finding yourself in the peace and quiet of your own home? The opportunity to enjoy a nice bath, a good series or a good book. Problem: when we live with an author of fantasy bookswe don’t necessarily have control over all the decoration. Thus, as Abbie and Peter’s mother confides in the columns of TV 7 Daysthis August 23, there is A “trinket” by Maxime Chattam, which she cannot get rid of.

And for good reason, as Faustine Bollaert tells our colleagues: “In his office, my husband has a kind of fetus immersed in formaldehyde. It’s disgusting… and fascinating.“. A revelation which, indeed, sends shivers down the spine…

Faustine Bollaert and Maxime Chattam: this room where it is better not to set foot

It is a place where the bestselling author draws his inspiration but also a room where we find special objects including this “famous” trinket. Guest of Léa Salamé in “Quelle époque” on France 2, Faustine Bollaert made some revelations about this piece. An office that had been filmed on the occasion of her husband’s appearance on the same program.

You still sleep next to it” Léa Salamé told him. “Yes, and I can tell you that when I forget administrative papers in his office, I’m a little freaked out! governed Faustine Bollaert. However, the whole family is immersed in this universe. And even their small: “Our children, they grew up with skulls, skeletons, vampires, and it’s quite normal for them”.



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