Due to the absence of an initial finance law for 2025, the payment deadlines for MaPrimeRénov' public aid are lengthening for files submitted after January 1. A situation which worries building professionals and the households concerned.
Delayed payments for MaPrimeRénov'
Since January 1, 2025, landlords must comply with new obligations: it is prohibited to rent accommodation classified G in the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) without improving the rating by at least one notch. MaPrimeRénov', public aid intended to finance these renovations, plays a central role in this work. However, the absence of a finance law for 2025, following censorship by the Barnier government last December, is causing significant delays in the processing and payment of files.
According to Housing Minister Valérie Létard, “ it is urgent to quickly vote on the 2025 budget “, she says Figaro. It specifies that files submitted but not processed before January 1 will see their payments deferred. Usually, this aid is paid two to three weeks after the work invoices have been sent to the National Housing Agency (Anah). Now, no precise schedule is guaranteed for payments, plunging beneficiaries into uncertainty.
Building professionals are sounding the alarm
The situation is strongly criticized by professional federations. The French Building Federation (FFB) warns of the risk of a major slowdown in energy renovation work: “ This freeze on payments will suddenly interrupt an already fragile market “, she declares. The Confederation of Crafts and Small Building Businesses (Capeb) estimates that tens of thousands of households could abandon their investment plans.
Despite these concerns, the government assures that owners can continue to submit their files. “ Requests must be processed even if payments will be delayed », Indicates the minister’s office. The FFB, however, insists on obtaining guarantees on the continuity of validations of new requests by Anah, without distinction between global renovations and isolated actions.
This delay in MaPrimeRénov' comes at a critical time: in the middle of winter, when the energy crisis and new regulatory obligations are already putting owners under pressure. If no quick solution is found, energy renovation could come to a serious halt, to the detriment of households and France's environmental objectives.
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