One of Japan’s most famous faces, actor Ryo Yoshizawa, has been fired by drinks giant Asahi Breweries after an embarrassing mishap. Intoxicated, the 30-year-old actor broke into his neighbor’s house… by mistake. An incredible story which did not make his employer smile.
It all started on December 30, when Ryo Yoshizawa, known for his charm described as a “national treasure” by a fashion magazine, returned home after an obviously drunken evening. But instead of entering his apartment, he enters the wrong door and shows up at his neighbor’s house without being invited. According to local media, the actor explained to the police: “I don’t remember anymore. I think I came in without asking because I wanted to use the toilet”.
The misstep embarrassed Asahi Breweries. The company had chosen Ryo Yoshizawa to represent its Super Dry Dry Crystal beer in order to attract a young clientele seeking moderation. But, faced with this unfortunate story of drunkenness, the manufacturer reacted firmly. “As an alcohol company, we view these actions as unacceptable.”said Shiori Shimizu, spokesperson for Asahi Group Holdings. Result: Yoshizawa was excluded from all of the brand’s advertising campaigns.
The actor’s talent agency, Amuse, released a statement acknowledging the facts: “He was drunk and accidentally broke into an apartment next to hers”. Ryo Yoshizawa apologized to his neighbor for the “major inconvenience” caused. To turn the page, the actor even made the decision to move.
japan actor