towards an evolution of tourism models?

towards an evolution of tourism models?
towards an evolution of tourism models?

The other major development in the industry is that of sustainable tourism.

An issue that is gaining more and more consensus, but everyone is passing the buck on responsibility for the change to be made. The shift must be collective.

We are seeing growing customer awareness, increasing demands for train alternatives.

We must be careful not to fall into greenwashing, 95% of the emissions we generate are indirect, despite initiatives, we do not have much control on that,” announces Erwan Corre.

A state of affairs shared by other actors.

For Misterfly, a specialist in air distribution, the carbon emissions report has been somewhat confusing and demoralizing. The solutions are slim, but they exist at least.

We can do some things,It is our responsibility to provide our customers with the means to make choices and favor the most virtuous airlines, but also hotels.

Ecology is expensive, the reality is that consumers are not ready to pay, we have a supporting role” imagines Emilie Dumont.

Misterfly has set up a carbon calculator, then this year the direct flight schedule. Without forgetting that in the CSR acronym, the environment is not the only lever for action for professionals.

NG Travel has decided to take action at its destination with local populations, particularly around the hotel that the group owns in Indonesia.

“In Bali, the director is an Indonesian, she does everything to employ people from the village located near the establishment, but also to redistribute as much wealth as possible.

In Zanzibar, it’s the same, we are building a well, a hectare of solar panels which will also be used by the population and a football field.

When we ask people to pay to compensate, less than 1% are willing to pay,” reports Olivier Kervella.

Whether on AI, which is also very polluting, or on the climate, tourism must not wait for a providential solution, the professionals must act!



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