Trash Abandoned on Sidewalks: Here’s How to Move Eco-Friendly

Trash Abandoned on Sidewalks: Here’s How to Move Eco-Friendly
Trash Abandoned on Sidewalks: Here’s How to Move Eco-Friendly

Televisions, mattresses and even broken mirrors will soon invade the sidewalks after the numerous moves taking place during this long weekend of 1is July. Here are some tips for properly disposing of your old furniture.

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In Montreal alone, nearly 50,000 tonnes of waste end up on the sidewalk every year during the moving season.

“The key to moving, to properly getting rid of our waste or unwanted pieces, is planning,” said Karel Ménard, general director of the Front commun québécois pour une gestion écologique des déchets (FCQGED).

“It’s not 24 hours in advance that you have to do it, often it’s weeks or even months before,” he stressed.

According to him, some measures can therefore be applied to prevent sidewalks from becoming dumping grounds:

Know where to put each item

A refrigerator or a wooden piece of furniture will not necessarily end up in the same place. It is therefore important to know whether an object is accepted at a drop-off point, an eco-centre, or should simply go in the trash.

RECYC-QUÉBEC also offers an application “Where is it going?” to recycle things in the right place.

Finding Takers in Social Media

“People think it’s magic, that we’re going to leave it on the side of the road and someone will come and pick it up two or three days later,” Mr. Ménard said.

However, if what is put on the sidewalk ends up being picked up by the City, it will be sent directly to the landfill.

For what is still in good condition, but which you no longer want, you should not hesitate to find people who would be interested, by leaving messages on social media.

Got extra clothes? Don’t hesitate to give them back

If you no longer want to see certain pieces in your new cabinets, it is possible to donate them to social economy organizations like Renaissance or the Salvation Army, if they are in good condition.

What to do with pizza boxes after moving?

Moving often means pizza at the end of the day to feed the troops.

If there is no more pizza inside, but just a few traces of tomato sauce for example, the box can go into the compost without any problem or even into recycling, Mr. Ménard stressed.



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