These Normandy SMEs successfully use generative AI for their communication

To understand what generative AI can bring to his carpentry SMEs, Simmad Escaliers and JBP, located in Eslettes (Seine-Maritime), Guillaume de Sorbay put it in the hands of his steering committee and brought in a specialist of the ICC.

Generate content faster

Result: a start of deployment mainly focused on internal and external communication. “We save time on generating editorial and visual content. AI is a powerful communication tool, estimates the 36-year-old leader. She maximizes the sharing rate on social networks better than me, because she knows the codes on the internet.”

Simmad Escaliers has gone from two monthly joint publications intended for all networks to two to three posts per week and per network. “It takes us less time than before and increases our notoriety, with a real impact on the employer brand.” The communications officer, who followed four days of training, uses the image and video generators Dall-e (integrated into ChatGPT), Leonardo and Gamma, for a relatively low cost (20 euros per month for the first two). They were also used to generate the content of the pages of the SME’s new website, a service that would have cost 250 euros per page if using an agency. Assets that Simmad Escaliers also benefits from for its HR and legal activities.

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