Neighboring France: everything that changes from July 1

Neighboring France: everything that changes from July 1
Neighboring France: everything that changes from July 1

Everything that changes from July 1st

An update on the new features which come into force from this Monday, and which also concern the Swiss and cross-border workers living on the other side of the border.

Published today at 09:20

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As at the beginning of every month, or almost every month, several regulatory or pricing changes, more or less important, take effect in France. This is still the case as of Monday.

Detailed review of what will, more or less, affect those who live on the other side of the border in their daily lives, in particular European border workers and many Swiss.

«“Shrinkflation”: consumers better informed

Large areas are now required to clearly indicate with a sign the products whose quantity is decreasing while their selling price remains unchanged or increases.

As a reminder, the shrinkflation (English word translated into French as “reduflation”) designates the commercial practice intended to mask the reduction in quantity of certain products while maintaining their price, or even increasing it.

All stores with a sales area greater than 400 m² will be affected by this new regulation. In the event of non-compliance, the penalties incurred will be a fine of several thousand euros.

Gas prices: new increase

The benchmark selling price of natural gas (PRVG) increases by 11.7% compared to June. Its average level will be 129.2 euros/MWh including tax.

This increase is mainly explained by the application of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks and by the increase in wholesale prices of natural gas.

Insurance: car, motorcycle and home contracts more expensive

Insuring your vehicle and home will be slightly more expensive. The “attack” tax will increase by 60 cents, its price going from 5.90 to 6.50 euros per year, indicates the online comparator Les Furets.

As a reminder, this tax is levied on all insurance contracts that include damage coverage. It makes it possible to finance the Guarantee Fund for Victims of Acts of Terrorism and Other Offenses (FGTI).

Savings: a new product for young people

The Climate Future Savings Plan (PEAC) is available. It is reserved for people under 21 years of age.

Let us specify that this product comes from the Law relating to green industry of October 23, 2023Its objective is to mobilize the savings of young people in favor of the ecological transition.

Parents can open one for their children from birth: the sums are then blocked until the holder reaches the age of majority.

Please note that the ceiling is set at 22,950 euros, as for the Livret A.

Housing: new energy performance diagnosis

The energy performance diagnosis (DPE) is evolving for housing with a surface area less than or equal to 40 m2. The method of calculating the energy label (ranging from A for the most efficient housing to G for the most energy-consuming) is modified. In doing so, a number of small areas are removed from the “energy strainers” category.

Consequently, the DPEs which were carried out between 1is July 2021 and 1is July 2024 on housing corresponding to this size may be the subject of a document which attests to the new DPE label. In the absence of a new certificate, the initial DPE remains valid. This label can be downloaded from the website of the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe).

Unemployment insurance: a little boost

Unemployment insurance benefits will be increased up to 1.2% from the payment scheduled for Tuesday, July 2.

Thus, a compensated jobseeker who has not worked during the month and who benefits from the minimum allowance will be paid the sum of 991.07 euros gross, instead of 979.29 euros gross.

Tax returns: opening of the online correction service

From July 31, it will be possible to modify declared items in the spring on tax returns completed in 2024 for income received in 2023. This service will be open until December 4 inclusive.

And even



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Fabrice Breithaupt is a journalist and editorial secretary. He deals with Franco-Swiss cross-border issues, but also real estate, employment and training. He has been a PR journalist since 1995 (radio, then written press).More informations

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NEXT Gas prices, DPE, savings plan… What’s changing on July 1, 2024