the increase in the minimum wage affected fewer employees than in 2023

the increase in the minimum wage affected fewer employees than in 2023
the increase in the minimum wage affected fewer employees than in 2023

As announced by Michel Barnier, the minimum wage has increased by 2% since last November 1. For the very first time, the minimum wage has exceeded the threshold of 1,800 euros gross. However, in 2024, the number of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage is decreasing.

In short:
  • The inter-professional minimum wage is the only wage indexed to inflation
  • Since 2021, it has been revised upwards eight times
  • On January 1, 2024, the minimum wage increased by 1.13% in application of the annual revaluation
  • a second revaluation of the minimum wage takes place this month of November
  • The interprofessional minimum growth salary therefore increased from 1,766.99 euros gross to 1,801.80 euros gross
  • The number of these employees affected by the indexation of the SMIC is decreasing
  • the salary share affected by the increase in the minimum wage amounted to 14.6% in January 2024, compared to 17.3% in January 2023

As a reminder, the inter-professional minimum wage is the only wage indexed to inflation. Since 2021, it has been revised upwards eight times. On January 1, 2024, the minimum wage increased by 1.13% in application of the annual increase. This year, a second increase in the minimum wage takes place in November. As announced by the Prime Minister, this was 2%.

In detail, the inter-professional growth minimum wage therefore increased from 1,766.99 euros gross to 1,801.80 euros gross, i.e. an hourly wage set at 11.88 euros gross. As for the net minimum wage, it went from 1,398.70 euros to 1,426 euros. On the island of Mayotte, the minimum growth wage is now set at 8.98 euros per hour (also indexed by 2%). As a reminder, the revaluation of this month of November is an advancement of that of January 2025.

The increase in the minimum wage is therefore good news for the many employees paid up to this minimum wage. However, according to a study by the Ministry of Labor published Thursday, November 14, the number of these employees affected by the indexation of the SMIC is decreasing. In detail, the wage share affected by the increase in the minimum wage amounted to 14.6% in January 2024, compared to 17.3% in January 2023.

The proportion of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage depends on the sector and the size of the company

Thus, in one year, the number of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage increased from 3.1 million to 2.7 million. “At the end of 2023, on the eve of the revaluation of January 1, 2024, there are fewer branch agreements than a year earlier to present a first level of grid lower than the minimum wage,” indicates the study. It is in the cleaning, handling, recovery and security sectors that the drop in the number of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage is the greatest, this salary share fell from 40.6 to 18, 6%.

In the hotel, catering and tourism sector too, the drop was significant, from 39.5% to 28.2%. On the other hand, in the commerce sector, the share of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage increased from 39.2% to 43.9%, details Dares. In addition to the sector, the number of employees affected by the increase in the minimum wage also depends on the size of the companies. This share “tends to decrease with the size of the company: from 30.6% for those with one employee to 9.4% for those with 500 or more employees,” explains Dares.



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