a comprehensive insurance offering to protect businesses against cyberattacks

a comprehensive insurance offering to protect businesses against cyberattacks
a comprehensive insurance offering to protect businesses against cyberattacks

Specializing in cyber risk insurance for VSEs, SMEs and ETIs, the company COGITANDA offers a complete offer covering prevention, awareness and crisis management in the event of an attack.

Cyberattacks: the main risk for businesses

Founded in Germany in 2016, the company COGITANDA today supports VSEs, SMEs and ETIs by offering them all the guarantees against cyberattacks (damage, operating loss, civil liability, and ransom reimbursement when necessary).

With 170 employees, COGITANDA focuses all of its activity on cyber risks. Since the beginning, more than 1,300 claims have been handled by the company.

This is the largest team dedicated to this type of risk in Europe. You should know that to date, 60% of SMEs that are affected by a cyber attack do not recover. This figure highlights the urgency of protection against cyber risk. This is now the number one threat to businesses! » confides Régis Delayat, Managing Director of COGITANDA in France.

Prevention, insurance and incident response

The COGITANDA group offers a holistic approach to cyber risk, whether to prevent, cover residual risk, or to intervene end-to-end in the event of an attack, through crisis management, also offered to uninsured companies. .

Most SMEs are currently not insurable, because they have not taken sufficient precautions upstream and have major security vulnerabilities. Our duty is therefore to inform them about these risks, by carrying out explanation and educational work alongside them, precisely to make them insurable. This involves in particular staff training: in fact 95% of cyber incidents come from human error! “.

Faced with the constant evolution of cyber risk, COGITANDA teams are constantly on the lookout and looking for innovation to continue to offer cutting-edge expertise to their many clients.

A cyber attack can destroy a lifetime of entrepreneurial work in an instant. Our role is therefore to support and protect companies from this major risk. », concludes Régis Delayat.

This content was produced in partnership with OpenMedias. The BFM Business editorial team was not involved in the production of this content.

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