Near Montpellier. Mauguio: inauguration of PIOM, pilot site for soft industries

Near Montpellier. Mauguio: inauguration of PIOM, pilot site for soft industries
Near Montpellier. Mauguio: inauguration of PIOM, pilot site for soft industries


Metropolitan Editorial

Published on

June 23, 2024 at 5:47 p.m.

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This Tuesday, June 18, Icade inaugurated at Mauguionear Montpellier, the Gold Mediterranean Industries Park (PIOM). This pilot site and prototype of the future Ad Vitam Campuses by Icade is dedicated to soft industries, advanced technologies and innovative services. Its goal: to create a pleasant, sustainable and responsible ecosystem, participating in local reindustrialization.

In the completion phase

The PIOM, launched in 2016, is nearing completion with six buildings already delivered and one under construction. This project, born from collaboration between the municipality, the intercommunity and the Ad Vitam by Icade teams, aims to create a business park for companies in soft industries, cutting-edge technologies and modern services (biotechnologies, digital technologies , health, energy, manufacturing industry). Currently, it houses more than 20 companies over nearly 30,000 m2. All buildings have solar panels and heat pumps. Ultimately, the site should accommodate nearly 1,300 employees.

A 7 hectare site

At the heart of the 7-hectare site, the Or’acle building centralizes services for employees: crèche, daycare, company restaurant, coworking and social spaces, grocery store, wellness areas, cafeteria and numerous green spaces. The PIOM project is part of Icade’s strategy aimed at offering diversified business premises meeting four essential criteria: accessibility, flexibility, dedicated services and ambitious CSR objectives. Several similar projects are in development with prospects of launching in 2025, in Île-de-France and in the regions.

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