humanitarian mission in 205 for three students from Indre-et-Loire

humanitarian mission in 205 for three students from Indre-et-Loire
humanitarian mission in 205 for three students from Indre-et-Loire

For the Europ’Raid which begins on August 3, 2024, three young people from Indre-et-Loire will travel 8,000 km (1) across Europe in a Peugeot 205. The three engineering school students are among the 750 adventurers to participate in the 2024 edition. Their mission is to transport 70 kg of school materials to children in Eastern Europe, notably via Romania, Bulgaria and Albania.

“Discover different cultures”

For 22 days, Arthur Gouin, originally from Benais, in Bourgueillois, will cross twenty European countries aboard his 205 of 250,000 km. For the 23-year-old engineering school student, this adventure will be an opportunity to “discover different cultures and visit and help schools in Eastern Europe ».

Accompanied by two other students from his school located in Nantes, Arthur has already collected sheets and notebooks with his team (Cent’Rally Raid). They also plan to bring medical equipment, but they are still looking for sponsors to finalize the preparations for the trip.

Financing problems

For Mathys Doguet, from Ambillou, and Loukas Gillé, from Tours, participation in the Europ’Raid is uncertain. Both 21 years old and also students in engineering school in La Rochelle, they are not yet sure of leaving, due to lack of funding. “ We have a one in two chance of leaving », specifies Mathys, adding: “I’m someone who moves around a lot and I like that, so I hope to go and discover Europe. »

However, their “Raid Rochelais” team is ready, the 205 is purchased and only has 110,000 km on the clock. Only the head gasket needs to be changed. Concerning school materials, his team is sponsored by Bureau Vallée. The two apprentice engineers wish to complete the list of equipment, by trying to collect multimedia and electronic equipment.

(1) The Europ’Raid 2024 itinerary plans to pass through 23 partner cities, including 13 capitals and around a hundred UNESCO World Heritage sites.



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