the local housing program leaves elected officials perplexed

the local housing program leaves elected officials perplexed
the local housing program leaves elected officials perplexed

Meeting in municipal council on Wednesday June 19, 2024, the elected officials of Le Pin addressed several subjects, including the local housing program (PLH) supported by the agglomeration community of Bocage Bressuirais, which did not fail to provoke a reaction from many of them.

This plan defines five strategic orientations divided into twenty action sheets: the development of the housing offer with an orientation towards the rehabilitation of the existing one, the attractiveness of town centers, the renewal of the construction methods of the habitat, the organization of housing policy and a better response to the needs of the population.

A vast program of €9,140,000 (i.e. €21 per inhabitant per year for Agglo2b) over six years on which elected officials have two months to give an opinion. Unfortunately, all this remained very vague and nebulous in people’s minds. This is why elected officials wanted to bring a caveat to their favorable position.

“For its implementation, we would still need explanations on the operational tools available in this PLH”, indicates Vincent Lebreton. An observation shared by other elected officials who do not see, for the moment, the purpose despite the sums committed.

Works. Continuing the work on rue du Mélier, access to the Mélier crossroads will be closed to traffic from July 8 to 26. Access to the town will be via the Brétignolles, Cerizay or Combrand roads. There will be no work on Berleau Street in August but the road will remain closed. For safety reasons, a double layer will be put in place to avoid accidents during this period before being removed for the resumption of work.

Sociocultural center. The payment of the subsidy has been reserved for a future session.

Pocket money. Five young people will benefit from the system with 14 missions each for 4 of them and 8 for the 5th.e.

Rents. A 3.5% increase in Deux-Sèvres habitat rents will be applied to the six Prieuré housing units from 1er July.

Estimate. As part of the supply and installation of a computer bay at the town hall, a quote of €4,650 excluding tax was validated for the benefit of the company MB Boissinot.



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