Starlink mini antenna: 4K connection at half price revealed

Starlink mini antenna: 4K connection at half price revealed
Starlink mini antenna: 4K connection at half price revealed

Everything is accelerating for Starlink at the moment: last week, the new antenna for its internet offer was deployed in France for €349, or €100 less than the starting price of the previous iteration. Today, Tuesday June 18, we learn more about the Mini Dish, the next generation, more compact and less expensive.

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Monday June 17, Elon Musk was quite vocal about this new product, revealing various information concerning the quality of connection, the price and the comfort of use and installation of the new antenna. The boss of Space Furthermore, despite the compact format, it will be possible to benefit from a good quality connection, allowing you to watch “multiple 4K video streams simultaneously“. Finally, Musk suggests that this new antenna should be half as expensive as the current standard product offered by the firm. In other words, if we base ourselves on the current price in France, the Mini Dish should be offered for less of €180.

The first images of the Mini Dish leak

At the same time, Starlink released an update to the Starlink app this weekend, with a page dedicated to the upcoming product still hidden. Oleg Kutkov, a Ukrainian engineer, dug into the update before revealing official images of the new Mini Dish antenna on X. These confirm Elon Musk’s words: it will indeed be a more compact version than the current V4. According to FCC documents, the Mini Dish should indeed be about the size of a MacBook.



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