the port of Tanger Med plans to handle more than 9 million TEUs in 2024

the port of Tanger Med plans to handle more than 9 million TEUs in 2024
the port of Tanger Med plans to handle more than 9 million TEUs in 2024

(Ecofin Agency) – An objective which confirms the desire of the Moroccan port of Tangier Med to play leading roles in the global port industry.

The port of Tanger Med in Morocco plans to increase its traffic to more than 9 million twenty-foot equivalent units this year, compared to 8.61 million TEUs in 2023, reports Reuters. According to Rachid Houari, its deputy CEO, the achievement of the objectives was somewhat disrupted in 2023 by the terrorist attacks in the Red Sea, but this will not prevent reaching the figures planned in 2024.

“We want our port to operate at maximum productivity. Containers crossing the Red Sea represent only 25% of the port’s traffic, with the majority coming from transactions with Africa, Europe and the Americas. Additionally, despite the disruptions in the Red Sea, many ships are still passing through the Suez Canal. he explained.

For the current year, this port has already handled nearly 33.3 million metric tons, an increase of 14.9% year-on-year. This earned him nearly 1 billion USD.

Considered the most important African port, Tanger Med has been competing for some time with the main platforms in the world. In the latest ranking of the “Global Container Port Performance Index (CPPI) 2023”, published a few days ago, it rose to 4th world position and thus confirms its desire to play the leading roles in the global port industry.



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