Inclusive digital development: ASIN and ADD pool efforts

Inclusive digital development: ASIN and ADD pool efforts
Inclusive digital development: ASIN and ADD pool efforts

The Information Systems and Digital Agency (ASIN), represented by its Director General, Marc-André Loko, concluded this Friday, May 31, 2024 in Marrakech, Morocco, a partnership agreement with the Digital Development Agency ( ADD) from Morocco.

This partnership was signed on the sidelines of the 3rd meeting of the African Council of Information Technology Agencies (CAITA) of the Smart Africa Alliance. The conference brought together several African agencies from the digital sector, on the occasion of the second edition of Gitex Africa Morocco 2024, one of the most important events for technological innovation on the African continent.

This partnership between the two institutions will allow the sharing of experiences and good practices and the exchange of information in the field of digital transformation. It also aims to develop several projects of common interest, notably that of interoperability between the information systems of public actors, the strengthening of the capacities of human resources through training, as well as the launch of promotional and marketing actions. raising awareness around the appropriate use of digital tools.

Furthermore, this partnership agreement reflects the desire of both parties to pool efforts for the inclusive development of digital technology in Africa.

Press release



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