A third of food brands belong to agricultural cooperatives

A third of food brands belong to agricultural cooperatives
A third of food brands belong to agricultural cooperatives

Did you know, major brands like Yoplait, Labeyrie, or Père Dodu are managed directly by farmers. A third of the brands are agricultural cooperatives. There are more than 2000 in France, which represent 70% of production, and which operate in a general assembly, where each member represents one vote.

What are their role and their specificity in the economic landscape that allows us to feed ourselves?

The response from the president of French agricultural cooperatives, Dominique Chargé: “They are able to provide relevant answers to what are the major issues for the agricultural world, and food in general, and to what are the fundamentals of the anger that farmers have expressed. This materializes around food sovereignty, the competitiveness of our professions, and the implementation of transitions, to achieve a result which allows the remuneration of farmers and the renewal of generations.”

Seduction operation

However, agricultural cooperatives remained discreet during the crisis at the start of the year. It is true that some of them are behemoths, which directly compete with large private brands. Xavier Hollandts, researcher and professor at KEDGE Business School, author of the book Governing agricultural cooperatives published by QUAE, confirms this:

“Certainly, agricultural cooperatives are anchored in the national territory, and they are supposed to serve the interests of farmers. But we have noted some abuses among some which are subject to international competition, and to pressure on purchase prices and costs From then on, the farmer is at the mercy of the prices imposed by these large cooperatives.

Until June 9, agricultural cooperatives open their doors to the general public, and welcome dozens of young people throughout France. A seduction operation to defend their own brands and their assets in the face of the challenges of food sovereignty and the future of our agriculture.



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