Rental of furnished tourist accommodation: the “anti-Airbnb” law is back… with a good chance of being adopted

Rental of furnished tourist accommodation: the “anti-Airbnb” law is back… with a good chance of being adopted
Rental of furnished tourist accommodation: the “anti-Airbnb” law is back… with a good chance of being adopted

He was one of the collateral victims of the dissolution of the National Assembly. The proposed law aimed at regulating the market for furnished tourist accommodation will continue where it left off. It will be examined by a joint committee.

on October 28, according to the schedule communicated at the end of the week to the rapporteurs of the text. There will then only be one step left: a final vote by the Assembly and another by the Senate. Its adoption appears likely, knowing that only the RN had really shown itself to be blocking during the parliamentary debates.

For the record, this bill aims to offer new tools to mayors keen to regulate furnished tourist accommodation. But also to make the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) compulsory for this type of rental. Last, highly sensitive point, the text provides for a slashing of the “Airbnb” tax loophole. On this question, it is difficult to anticipate where precisely the cursor will be placed. “The proximity to the finance bill for 2025 means that there will be particular attention to the tax part,” recognizes Annaïg Le Meur.

One thing is certain: renting furnished tourist accommodation is likely to become less advantageous, the objective, shared by the government, being to encourage bare rental all year round. The proposed law regulating the use of Airbnb? “As quickly as possible”, certified the new Minister of Housing, Valérie Létard, at the microphone of RMC, on October 4.

* The joint committee (CMP) is a commission made up of seven deputies and seven senators whose mission is to achieve the conciliation of the two assemblies on a common text.



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