a Boeing turns around after 3 hours of flight

a Boeing turns around after 3 hours of flight
a Boeing turns around after 3 hours of flight

Another failure for a Boeing plane. Friday May 17, 2024, an Air Canada aircraft supposed to connect Montreal (Canada) to Lyon (Rhône) had to turn back after three hours of flight. As reported Progressa pressurization problem was identified mid-trip.

“A pressurization problem”

“After takeoff, we had the impression that we were going in circles a bit and that we were not gaining altituderecalls a passenger to the local media. It seemed like we were flying normally until the captain spoke up to announce that there was a pressurization problem.”

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According to the crew, the plane was indeed flying at 3,000 feet instead of the planned 11,000. With this altitude and therefore reduced speed, the aircraft did not have enough fuel to cross the Atlantic. After the incident, Air Canada confirmed that a pressurization problem discovered during the flight had forced the pilot to turn around.

“It was a bit of a mess”

The 254 passengers on the flight were therefore brought back to the Montreal airport. The airline then told them that it had no rooms to offer them and that everyone had to make do. “It was a bit of a messremembers the passenger. Some stayed there, others returned to Montreal.”

All the passengers were finally able to reach Lyon the next day, thanks to another plane – still a Boeing – chartered especially for them. For his part, Air Canada’s vice-president of communications affirmed that the plane concerned was being inspected by maintenance and engineering professionals.

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