In Ile-de-France transport, the strike on Tuesday May 21 promises to be very successful


At the Gare du Nord, in Paris, March 21, 2024. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

It will be a black Tuesday. Travelers from the Ile-de-France region have been warned. Before the weekend, the SNCF was already encouraging them to favor teleworking the day after Pentecost Monday. SUD-Rail predicts a rate of strikers of 70% in the RER and Transiliens, or even 90% on lines D and J. SNCF Voyageurs manages all suburban trains in Ile-de-France, RER C, D and E , and part of the RER A and B.

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SUD-Rail, but also the CGT-Cheminots, the UNSA-Ferroviaire in certain establishments and even FO are calling for a walkout the day before May 22, the date of a “convergence meeting” on working conditions and, above all, the bonuses during the period of the Olympic Games (July 26-August 11) and Paralympic Games (August 28-September 8).

Two months before the start of the Games, there is still work to do. According to UNSA-Ferroviaire, the company’s second union organization behind the CGT, employees still do not know how to postpone leave which cannot be taken by railway workers having to ensure the circulation of 4,500 additional trains.

A message to the right

The RATP has completed the discussions. Twelve agreements were negotiated, business by business. Six were signed by majority unions, said a spokesperson, and six are simple statements of conclusions. The average bonus is 1,000 euros for the 30,000 agents mobilized – 19,000 each day during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) – and can rise to a maximum of 2,500 euros for metro drivers who work on the lines. the most requested and will be present every day of the tests, after having agreed to postpone their leave.

To the representatives of the unions he brought together on Wednesday May 15, Jean-Pierre Farandou, the CEO of SNCF, made it clear that the public company, scrutinized from all sides since the political controversy surrounding the end-of-career agreement signed on April 22, could not go beyond the maximum bonus of 1,900 euros granted by the Ministry of the Interior to the police. “One thousand nine hundred euros on average”pretend to understand certain delegates, who will only discover management’s proposals during the convergence meeting.

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Fearing that management will set the bar too low and that this will force other meetings to be held and negotiations to be completed only at the beginning of July, in haste and at the time of vacation departures, SUD-Rail and the CGT want, through this strike, to send a clear message to their boss, to the State Participation Agency and to the government. This time, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, his Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergriete, and the Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, will not be able to pretend not to be aware or to want to change CEO after the Games… is already done.

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