When nothing goes right…: the Standard dropped by a historic partner! – All football

When nothing goes right…: the Standard dropped by a historic partner! – All football
When nothing goes right…: the Standard dropped by a historic partner! – All football

Everyone is leaving the ship on all sides, at Standard. VOO, the club’s historic partner for 25 years, will no longer be on the Rouches jersey next season.

Standard has just experienced, on a sporting level, the worst season in its history. If the supporters pulled out all the stops in the stands to celebrate the club’s 125th anniversary, the Rouches had never delivered such a catastrophic season on the pitch.

On the banks of the Meuse, the ship took on water from all sides. Standard is officially for sale, and everyone hopes, in the Sclessin spans, that a recovery will be possible to allow the oldest club in the D1A to remain there.

One thing is certain: even if the Matricule 16 is still playing in the Jupiler Pro League next season, its ambitions will be none other than maintaining it: the financial means to recruit are non-existent and the players want to leave a drifting boat as long as it There’s still time.

VOO, official partner for 25 years, releases the Standard!

If it is still impossible to have a clear idea of ​​what this Standard will look like next season, it is clear that the Rouches are losing, little by little, their long-time allies.

The latest, VOO, historic sponsor of the club, which will no longer appear on next season’s jersey, according to our colleagues at Sundinfo. The Orange Belgium ownership has ended its historic partnership with the club, which first saw the light of day in 1999.



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