“Mr Barnier, eliminate unnecessary expenditure, such as the salaries of Inter comedians, instead of increasing taxes”

“Mr Barnier, eliminate unnecessary expenditure, such as the salaries of Inter comedians, instead of increasing taxes”
“Mr Barnier, eliminate unnecessary expenditure, such as the salaries of France Inter comedians, instead of increasing taxes”

FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE – The “exceptional contribution” requested by Michel Barnier from the wealthiest households will in no way improve the economic situation of our country, believes the MEP (Reconquête!). It is better, according to her, to eliminate all unnecessary or even harmful expenses.

Sarah Knafo is a Member of the European Parliament (Reconquest!).

We have the impression that in we only have the choice between left-wing socialists and right-wing socialists. In front of a rude and talkative Assembly, our new Prime Minister wanted to appear responsible in matters of public finances. But by openly announcing that he will increase the tax burden on those he calls “the most fortunate” and businesses that “make significant profits”, Michel Barnier delivered his true economic positioning. And this is very bad news for the country, because we unfortunately know too well the policy it intends to apply: that of all our governments for 50 years.

Let’s remember. After the 2008 crisis, the State has already imposed an exceptional contribution on the wealthiest French people. Unfortunately, nothing is more durable than exceptional taxation… Exceptional, the CRDS was also exceptional. We still pay it. Let us remember again. François Hollande wanted to tax the highest incomes at 75%. He eventually admitted that this promise was “symbolic”. Hear: it had no other function than to flatter the vengeful instincts of the communist electorate. But the madness of the measure will be enough to lead so many French entrepreneurs to tax evasion – which will result in Release « Casse-toi, riche con ! ».

This tax brought in 200 million euros – not even enough to finance public broadcasting for 3 weeks – but how much tax revenue was lost? Because a billionaire who leaves France perhaps brings happiness to Releasebut the misfortune of all taxpayers. The millions of euros of taxes, contributions and VAT that he brought into the state coffers, who will pay them for him once he is gone? All of us. If there are seven of you at the restaurant to pay the bill, and the seventh leaves: you have to pay the bill at six. And imagine if the seventh was the richest, the one who was going to pay for the wine! Because the bill doesn’t change, and that’s the problem.

Instead of stopping this madness, Michel Barnier would like to add another layer. How far? This gear knows no limits. Because, imagine that the more the State takes, the more it wastes.

Sarah Knafo

So what will happen? Economic science shows that, above a certain tax rate, revenues fall: reality takes its revenge. Taxpayers are adapting. Entrepreneurs take their foot off the gas: why make efforts whose fruits will almost all be confiscated from you? The largest assets engage in tax optimization which costs us dearly, when they do not simply go to live and work abroad. By impoverishing the French, the tax effort weighs ever more heavily on fewer shoulders: 76% of income tax is already paid by 10% of French people: those who earn more than 3,300 euros per month . Should we further increase their burden? How many genius entrepreneurs, from Michelin, Citroën, Bouygues of the 21st century have we already missed because of this ambient socialism?

So, as ultimately the revenues are not there, we need a new tax increase. And so on. This is the story of the last 50 years in France. Too many taxes and too many charges means, paradoxically, but inevitably, less money to finance public services. This relentless mechanism knows no counterexamples.

Also readThe French validate the tax increases proposed by Barnier, but fear their generalization

Instead of stopping this madness, Michel Barnier would like to add another layer. How far? This gear knows no limits. Because, imagine that the more the State takes, the more it wastes. It’s logic itself: what’s the point of counting, of being reasonable, thrifty, as long as there are sheep left to shear! To fill the deficit, why have the courage to reduce spending if we can increase revenue by taking it from the taxpayer’s pocket?

We are already the most taxed people in the world. With 45% compulsory deductions per year, from the 16th of each month, the French no longer work for themselves but for the State. No tax increase is acceptable. The urgency is to lower them. What we need to do is simple: spend less, to tax less, to earn more.

How can we accept that the Pompidou hospital is calling for donations to buy its scanners, when we continue to finance the salaries of France Inter comedians?

Sarah Knafo

Eliminate all unnecessary or even harmful expenditure: we cannot hear a government moaning about the state of our public finances if it continues to give 177 million per year to Senegal, 121 million to Brazil, to squander French money in the 23 billion in subsidies to associations, the 4 billion for public broadcasting, the 15 billion in public development aid. And the list I am drawing up here is far from exhaustive. How can we accept that the Pompidou hospital is calling for donations to buy its scanners, when we continue to finance the salaries of France Inter comedians?

We must then stop the scattering, the dispersion of State resources in a thousand subjects where they have no place. A few billion in Théodule committees, a few billion to keep idle young people busy, a few hundred million for permaculture, the promotion of cycling, school breakfasts, the repair of used clothes, vegetable gardens in administrations, etc. …so many subjects where the State goes astray, disperses itself, wastes its energy and especially our money. The French expect the State to take care of the safety, health and education of children; not that he rules their lives. Let him carry out his missions correctly before pretending to get involved in the rest.

Mr Prime Minister, there are political mistakes that are economic crimes. Refrain from both. It’s time to cut taxes. For this, it is time to cut public spending. This is where you are expected and where you will be judged.



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