A check for 150 to 300 euros: in the , wind turbines will bring money to residents

A check for 150 to 300 euros: in the , wind turbines will bring money to residents
A check for 150 to 300 euros: in the Somme, wind turbines will bring money to residents

A “Territory of Energy” check of between 150 and 300 euros is the good news that should be waiting under the tree for the 140 households in Lignières and Laboissière-en-Santerre in the . For the first time in , as part of the development at the beginning of the year of the Moulin wind farm (6 machines of 3.8 MW) then its commissioning at the end of 2025, these residents will benefit from the solidarity fund, environment and territory. But you have to register at the town hall!

For the moment, around thirty households have taken the step. A new office is planned for October 16: “It’s very good,” assures Chantal Devienne, retired from Lignières. It will help us for the holidays. The wind turbines will be 2 km away, they won’t bother me. »

Mayor of Laboissière-en-Santerre, 72 housing units, Xavier Ribaucourt emphasizes: “Only 20 households have registered so far. We hope to do 100%. These amounts are not negligible. They can help residents pay their electricity bill. Salaries here are not high. The developer had to be careful. This must not be seen as an abuse of social good. We hope to be able to repeat this operation later. » Between compensatory and support measures, his municipality should receive 20,000 euros in benefits each year, a providential windfall to finance the renovation of the village hall which amounts to 600,000 euros.

The Moulin wind farm project is led by the company Nouvergies, based in Nogent-sur- (Val-de-Marne). Régis Collon, its communications manager, evokes a “value redistribution measure carried out in complete transparency and legality. There’s no reason why residents shouldn’t get a little benefit! »



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