HCP’s response to OECD criticism

HCP’s response to OECD criticism
HCP’s response to OECD criticism

While the latest OECD report praised the Moroccan economy, notably by speaking of a resilient and emerging economy, it raised a criticism that angered officials at the High Commission for Planning. The OECD report indeed speaks of the lack of reliable statistics that are likely to enable the Moroccan economy to better structure its growth. In a vitriolic response published on its website, the HCP rejects the unfounded conclusions of the OECD report on the work of the HCP presented therein and wishes to provide clarifications concerning certain inaccurate information contained therein.

According to its officials, the HCP regularly conducts large-scale surveys covering various aspects of the economic and social life of our country and which are published throughout the year. In addition, the HCP also conducts specific studies in response to current issues, such as those carried out on the Sustainable Development Goals in 2016, the income survey in 2019, the survey on businesses and the business climate in 2019, the survey on violence against women and men in 2019, as well as surveys on the situation of households, refugees and businesses during the Covid-19 period.

Regarding national accounting, the response reads, “We are surprised by the criticism of the published data. Morocco, which has subscribed to the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) since 2005, complies with these standards by publishing the metadata and the dissemination schedule on the IMF website.”



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