The money market is operating in equilibrium mode

The money market is operating in equilibrium mode
The money market is operating in equilibrium mode

The money market is evolving in balance in anticipation of the 3rd monetary policy meeting of Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), on September 24, indicates Attijari Global Research (AGR) in its latest Hebdo Taux. This next meeting of the central bank is highly anticipated by investors, in a context of continued slowdown in inflation in Morocco. In this context, BAM intervenes to the tune of 151.5 billion DH on the money market. Thus, 7-day advances stand at 67.8 billion DH against 61.3 billion DH a week earlier, an increase of 6.5 billion DH. The intervention at plus LT in the form of guaranteed loans and repurchase agreements remained stable at 83.7 billion DH, underline AGR analysts.

As for interbank rates, they remain in line with the Key Rate and MONIA Rates ease to 2.68%. The Treasury is accelerating the pace of its investments linked to its cash surpluses. The outstanding amount without charge and with repo thus stood at 17.7 billion DH, against 9.6 billion DH a week earlier, including 16.8 billion DH in the form of repo.



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