Is the hypothesis of a repeal of the law realistic?

Is the hypothesis of a repeal of the law realistic?

The National Rally (RN) should shoot first. On October 31, it will present a bill to repeal the pension reform and restore the legal age to 62 and the number of quarters to obtain the full rate to 168, compared to 172 with the reform. The far-right party will thus benefit from a parliamentary niche. This mechanism allows, for one day, a parliamentary group to present the texts they want.

Does such a text have a chance of going all the way? If we do a simple calculation, the answer is yes. The National Rally has 126 deputies. On the other side of the chamber, the New Popular Front (which brings together four left-wing parties, France Insoumise, the ecologists, the Socialist Party and the communists), which also wants to repeal the pension reform, has 193 deputies. A simple addition of the two forces gives a total of 319 votes, which is well above the absolute majority in the National Assembly which is at 289 votes.

The future of this law does not stop at a simple arithmetic calculation. The equation is much more complicated. First politically. There is no guarantee that the New Popular Front (NFP) will vote for a bill brought forward by the National Rally. Quite the contrary. The left-wing coalition has not said that it would vote for it and is instead working to ensure that the bill it tabled last July is examined first. Another obstacle, this time legislative. There is (…)

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