With “La souterraine”, Emily Loizeau signs a new luminous album – rts.ch

With “La souterraine”, Emily Loizeau signs a new luminous album – rts.ch

Author, composer and performer, Emily Loizeau has been present in the French-speaking song landscape for nearly twenty years and has been awarded several prizes. On September 6, she released “La souterraine”, a new luminous album on intimacy, love, joy and the rough edges of life.

After “Icare” released in 2021 and a tour of almost two years, Emily Loizeau returned on September 6 with a new album entitled “La souterraine”, which is intended to be a call for joy and light despite the darkness of the world. Producer John Parish, an accomplice of PJ Harvey, directed the album.

In this new opus, Emily Loizeau talks about love, global warming, kindness, toxic relationships, but also takes the pulse of her soul. “I try to translate where it breaks us, where anger allows us to act so that something else happens,” explains the singer in an interview with Radio France.

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Portraits of women

Emily Loizeau also continues her portrait of women with winding and courageous paths, already started in her previous opus. In “Icare”, she told the story of a young Guinean woman who fled a forced marriage. Today, in “La souterraine”, she traces that of Elaha, a thirteen-year-old Afghan teenager on the roads of exile.

“It’s a record that attempts to trace the path of a long quest for love in the middle of a world in disarray. It’s a journey woven with violence and rage, but also with desperate and determined hope. A dance between reality and fiction that does everything not to abandon the light, to conquer the darkness and look it in the eye,” Emily Loizeau also details in the presentation text of “La souterraine”.

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Glimmers of hope

And then, in this new album, the artist also sings in English as she has done regularly since her debut in 2006 with “L’autre bout du monde”. A natural choice for the Franco-English native, often dictated by the music. Some titles are even simply instrumental because the album was born from several orders received for film or theater music.

In the end, “La souterraine” is a luminous album filled with intimacy, but which privileges sonic roughness and vocal cracks. On this material, however dark, the glimmers of hope also come from the inhabited interpretation of Emily Loizeau.

Radio subject: Yves Zahno

Adaptation web: ld

Emily Loizeau, “The Underground” (The Last Rain Editions). Published on September 6, 2024.


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