Can Magnets Really Erase Hard Drives?

Can Magnets Really Erase Hard Drives?

Destroying hard drives is a sure way to protect yourself from thieves and cybercriminals. They may try to retrieve sensitive data like financial information from a credit card. Before deleting files from a hard drive, consider backing up your valuable information to a new, secure location. You can opt for a USB flash drive if you don’t have a lot of data to back up. Otherwise, opt for a PC, laptop, or cloud, making sure the operating system is well protected with a password or encryption code.

Data on a hard drive is stored on a spinning platter, a kind of circular magnetic disk. In theory, a strong enough magnetic field could disrupt it and make it unreadable. In practice, it’s a different story. Household magnets, like the ones stuck to your fridge, have no chance of erasing data on a hard drive. You’d have to use powerful magnets to have any significant effect on it. Rare-earth magnets, such as neodymium magnets, are notorious for their tensile strength and can technically destroy the hard drive’s platter.

Some electronic devices such as a TV, smartphone, CD, PC or laptop use magnetic storage media. Other equipment such as hearing aids or electronic cards (…)

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