CFDT calls for a “suspension” while discussions are reopened

CFDT calls for a “suspension” while discussions are reopened

The general secretary of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, pleaded this Sunday, September 8, for«a minima, on suspend(e)» pension reform during new discussions with the Barnier government, on France Inter. The new Prime Minister Michel Barnier said on Friday that he wanted “open the debate” for a “improvement” of the controversial pension reform without, however, “question everything”. “We need to put all the issues on the table and the elephant in the room, the legal age raised to 64 years”according to the head of France’s largest union, who wants to prove “that this is a profoundly unjust reform”.

The unionist would therefore like that“We prevent age from continuing to evolve” up to 64 years old, evoking “a huge amount of testimony even recently on the brutality of this age gap”. Marylise Léon particularly insisted on women, who will “take it full blast”on multiple pensioners and on hardship.

Also readLegislative: Repealing Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform, a colossal cost for public finances

The age criterion, “the most unfair lever”

But how can we convince Michel Barnier, who was in favour of retiring at 65? “I imagine that when he takes on the role of Prime Minister […]he is listening”et “It is up to the CFDT to demonstrate that the age criterion is the most unfair lever, while we have an explosion in work accidents, deaths at work, classifications as invalidity, as incapacity”replied Marylise Léon. In her eyes, “the argument of a balanced budget is a convenient excuse” : these are “First of all, political leaders who do not want to move on what they consider to be a necessary reform and which they have carried out, which has created a lot of tension in the country”she said.

On the RN’s stated desire to reverse the pension reform, Marylise Léon considers that the party “thinks it’s part of his strategy to gain power” more “absolutely not because he is interested in people”.


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