The complete Good Evening Business from Friday, September 6

The complete Good Evening Business from Friday, September 6

On Thursday, September 5, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Thomas Sasportas, Antoine Larigaudrie and Yohan Delerat, BFM Business journalists, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, former president of Medef, Emmanuel Lechypre, BFM Business economic columnist, François Hommeril, president of CFE-CGC, Dominique Corona, deputy secretary general of Unsa, Bruno Coquet, doctor of economics and associate researcher at OFCE, Pascal de Lima, chief economist at CGI Business Consulting, and Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of CPME Paris Ile-de-France, in the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

On Thursday, September 5, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Thomas Sasportas, BFM Business journalist, François Hommeril, president of the CFE-CGC, Emmanuel Lechypre, BFM Business economic columnist, Yohan Delerat, BFM Business journalists, Dominique Corona, deputy secretary general of the Unsa, Bruno Coquet, doctor of economics and associate researcher at the OFCE, Pascal de Lima, chief economist at CGI Business Consulting, and Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of the CPME Paris Ile-de-France, in the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

On Thursday, September 5, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Thomas Sasportas, Antoine Larigaudrie and Yohan Delerat, BFM Business journalists, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, former president of Medef, Emmanuel Lechypre, BFM Business economic columnist, as well as Pierre-Jérôme Henin, former advisor to Michel Barnier in Brussels, on the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, September 5, Geoffroy Roux De Bézieux, former president of MEDEF, looked at the newly appointed Prime Minister, his program, taxes, and pension reform, in La grande interview on the Good Evening Business show presented by Hedwige Chevrillon. Good Evening Business can be seen or listened to from Monday to Thursday on BFM Business.

This Wednesday, September 4, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Antoine Larigaudrie, Thomas Sasportas and Olivier Chicheportiche, BFM Business journalists, Olivier Ginon, president of GL Events, Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB, Emmanuel Lechypre, economic columnist BFM Business, François Chaulet, CEO of Montségur Finance, Benjamin Coriat, professor of economics at Paris 13, Marc Touati, founding president of the ACDEFI firm, and Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, CEO Médiation & Arguments and founder of Entrepreneurs pour la République, in the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Wednesday, September 4, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Antoine Larigaudrie, journalist from BFM Business, Benjamin Coriat, professor of economics at Paris 13, Marc Touati, founding president of the ACDEFI firm, and Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, CEO Médiation & Arguments and founder of Entrepreneurs pour la République, in the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

On Wednesday, September 4, Guillaume Paul and Hedwige Chevrillon welcomed Antoine Larigaudrie, Thomas Sasportas and Olivier Chicheportiche, BFM Business journalists, Olivier Ginon, president of GL Events, Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB, Emmanuel Lechypre, BFM Business economic columnist, as well as François Chaulet, CEO of Montségur Finance, in the Good Evening Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Wednesday, September 4, Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB, looked at sustainable construction, in La grande interview in the show Good Evening Business presented by Hedwige Chevrillon. Good Evening Business can be seen or listened to from Monday to Thursday on BFM Business.

This Wednesday, September 4, Jean-Christophe Repon, president of CAPEB, looked at sustainable construction, in La grande interview in the show Good Evening Business presented by Hedwige Chevrillon. Good Evening Business can be seen or listened to from Monday to Thursday on BFM Business.


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