The very corruptible mandarin Xiaolong Qiu

The very corruptible mandarin Xiaolong Qiu
The very corruptible mandarin Xiaolong Qiu

4th installment of the Inspector Chen series

Let us first point out that Qiu Xialong, born in Shanghai, has lived in Saint-Louis (Missouri) since 1988 after seeing his father victim of the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. The events in Tian Anmen convinced him not to return to Shanghai. Living outside China, he therefore has a certain freedom of speech regarding his country of birth.
However, if his findings are lucid, he is moderately critical of the attitude of the leaders in place. Corruption is still one of its targets, as well as nepotism and arbitrariness.
For those who read thrillers to better understand the societies and customs of other countries, other civilizations, this work is a joy to read.
In this opus it is the scourge of corruption that is highlighted. A rather terrible endemic evil.
Xing Xing, a wealthy businessman, clearly did not create his fortune without straying into the minefield of corruption. He has just gone into exile in the USA where he intends to monetize his request for asylum in exchange for various “revelations”. Hua, a Shanghai police officer with a reputation for integrity who was investigating the Xing Xing case, is found murdered in bad company in the wrong place; in the room of a brothel. Whatever it takes to be discredited.
The Xing This concerns Inspector Chen Cao. We will even send him, while the investigation is active, to the USA, claiming that as a Communist Party official, a poet and speaking English, he is the right person to lead a delegation of Chinese writers to the USA with American colleagues.
Fortunately there is Yu, the faithful and dedicated deputy who will be able to continue the investigation on site and, at the cost of complicated contortions, be able to refer and communicate with Chen.
He will go somewhat beyond the instructions given to him as part of his mission, but integrity comes at a cost. Which can be dangerous.
Always as interesting as these successive insights given on this contemporary China and those who lead it. Thank you Qiu Xiaolong!




NEXT what is Vanessa Springora’s new book about?