Comics in Bulk: Little Macabre Tales (Delcourt) ( / Comics) – MaXoE BULLES

Hello everyone ! Today, for your Comics in bulkI invite you to shiver with me through the different stories that make up Little Macabre Tales.

Little macabre tales


Petits Contes Macabres is a project initiated by Eric POWELL (to whom we owe in particular ED et THE GOON) who loves scary stories that we tell by the fire when it's freezing outside… He invited three playmates – and not just any playmates! – to join him in order to create a book of short horrific tales bathed in a Victorian atmosphere which puts them on stage.

This choral album offers us four squeaky, funny and even terrifying stories that evoke (and sometimes invoke!) ghosts. Eric Powell pilots this project while James Harren, Becky Cloonan et Mike Mignola join him in the maneuver.

Personally, I am a fan of horror of all kinds (video games, films, series and novels), when I saw this collection with all these big names, I could only go for it, and I was not disappointed! The stories told each have their own way of instilling fear or anxiety in the reader. In addition, they all have their own graphic identity. Add to that the starting pitch where the authors include themselves in their story to make everything more credible and immersive, and we find ourselves with the impression of being part of their small group, sitting by the fire, waiting for the next story that will make us shiver.

Scénario et Dessin : Eric Powell, Mike Mignola, Becky Cloonan, James Harren – Delcourt – Contrebande November 2024 – 72 pages – €15.50




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