[Livres] Born to run

“You were born to run”: Chris Mac Dougall reaffirms and extends the thesis of his Born To run n°1, a bestseller that the French discovered 12 years ago. But in this second, see no sequel, no globetrotting investigation, even less any scoops that the author would have discovered to reinvent – ​​a second time – the art of the stride.

Born to Run, The Training Guide, Christopher McDougall with Eric Orton, Guérin, Ed. Paulsen. €29

This is indeed a “Training Guide” co-written with the guru of better running Eric Orton, with theories already present in volume 1. Practical and practical, the book examines each of the components of running, from the stomach to the foot, from the t-shirt to the vertebrae, obviously including the sandal, minimalism and the desire to rewire our DNA as born runners. A 90-day program constitutes the shock piece, and the numerous testimonies of anonymous runners give a more ecumenical, even inclusive, tone to these 265 pages of method. We could all find ourselves in it; provided we like vegan recipes, Excel tables, photos of bare-chested Mac Dougall and philosophical treasure hunts. And the word “free”, the foundation of happy Mac Dougallism. Translated by Aurélien Delfosse and pedagogically illustrated.



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