The event takes place this Saturday, November 16, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. non-stop, at the Saint-Jean hall, in Mende. Around sixty authors are expected.
The twelfth edition of M’Lire week on the theme “Literature and games” ends this Saturday, November 16. To conclude in apotheosis this unmissable Mendo event organized by the Lamartine media library and its friends, the book fair takes over the Saint-Jean hall from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., non-stop.
“We will have around sixty authors, but also illustrators, publishers and associations, announces Patricia Parra, the new director of the media library, who succeeded Guy Saleil on September 3. Among the locals, we will welcome for example the Granite Bear (publishing house which is shared between Mende and its Italian twin city Volterra, Editor’s note) and the Léon-Bourrier poetic circle.” Brother Jean, the igumen of the Orthodox skete Sainte-Foy in Saint-Julien-des-Points, author of numerous works, will also make the trip.
Three bookstores will be present: la Livreraie and les P’tits Papiers in Mende, as well as le Rouge et le Noir in Saint-Chély-d’Apcher. On their stand, signings will be offered all day long. With the Bookstore: Jean-Marc Gibert, author of Return of the beast to Gévaudan; Antonin Sabot, author in 2024 of the Wolf; Pauline Galindo, author of a work on the restoration of the stained glass windows of the church of Prévéchés; Valérian Vanhouteghem, comic book author. With the P’tits Papiers: Florence Metge, author of the Valley of Hell; Monsieur K and Myster B, comic book authors. With the Red and the Black: Xavière Broncard, children’s author-illustrator; Laurent Occelli, author of A treat for the four seasons.
Since the theme of the M’Lire week was “Literature and games”, it will therefore be possible to have fun during the show. Four partners will be dedicated to this pleasant task. Julia Assant and her P’tite Boîte de jeux will offer board games for sale. Carine Lehembre and Cariboud’bois will showcase their 100% Lozère wooden creations. The C’Chouette company will come well equipped since its two managers Violaine and David Pigeyre will install giant games on the stage of the Saint-Jean hall. Finally, the Lozère Illiteracy and French Language Learning Resource Center (Cria 48) will organize fun activities to learn and practice the language of Molière (free and upon registration at 07 57 43 51 24 or 07 88 92 37 27) .
In all, around fifteen people, volunteers from the Friends of the Media Library association and agents, will be present all day long to make this show a new popular and cultural success.