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Do you need to have read the author’s other novels before starting?

Do you need to have read the author’s other novels before starting?
Do you need to have read the author’s other novels before starting?

Welcome to Norferville, a small fictional and isolated town in Quebec where natives, miners and even employees of a hydroelectric station meet. An enclave in the middle of nature prey to the elements where Léonie, a mixed-race police officer who fled this lost place twenty years earlier, and Teddy, a Lyon detective who came to look for her daughter, arrive. Or rather the body of his daughter, the latter having been found lifeless, violently attacked, a few days after her arrival there. Wolf ? Windigo? Between mysticism and bloody crimes, this thriller under -20°C, printed in no less than 180,000 copies by its publisher Fleuve, continues to find its audience. And the good news is that you don’t even need a catch-up session!

Also discover : Franck Thilliez: “Reading affects people, whatever the book”

“Norferville”, an independent thriller to devour… whenever you want!

Because, like Vertigo, Puzzle or Dream, Norferville is a unitary thriller without any link with the previous works of Franck Thilliez. Indeed, the author had recently reserved for his readers the continuation of his saga Sharko and Hennebellehis favorite couple of cops appeared for the first time in 2004, while unveiling a new (and frankly diabolical) trilogy around the character of Caleb Tracksman (The Unfinished Manuscript, Twice Upon a Time And Labyrinths). Since 2016 and the publication of the very successful Dreamthe co-creator of the series Alex Hugo had not proposed an independent book. So, on this occasion, a total change of scenery (and temperature!) as he confided to Lire! : “ Aprafter having written The Riftan urban thriller featuringthe Parisian criminal police, II wanted wide open spaces, lakes, foreststs. »

Also discover : 4 tips for writing a thriller, according to successful writer Franck Thilliez

“Norferville” by Franck Thilliez: and why not a sequel?

But the success of Norferville does he have a sequel in store for the duo formed by policewoman Léonie Rock and private detective Teddy Schaffran? Contacted by us, Fleuve editions revealed the mystery: “ Franck Thilliez is not at all sure about making it into a series… but he doesn’t hold back anything! » Enough to give hope to the many readers who placed this novel at the top of sales as soon as it was released.



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