Normandy. This specialist in the Second World War publishes a new book, a tribute to civilian victims

Normandy. This specialist in the Second World War publishes a new book, a tribute to civilian victims
Normandy. This specialist in the Second World War publishes a new book, a tribute to civilian victims


Editorial La Presse de la Manche

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 1:59 p.m.

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Specialist inhistory of the Normandy during the Second World War, Yves Corver lived in Bayeux (Calvados) and chose the shape of historical novel to make his stories more alive.

After “D-Day, a black day”

The author has just published his fifth novel. His previous story, D-Day, a black dayfocused on the role of African-American GI’s in the Landing of the June 6, 1944 and the reality of their daily life in segregated US army.

His new book, The Tunnel, Saint-Lô, June 1944wants to be a tribute to all the civilian victimstoo often forgotten, of the Landing and the Battle of Normandybut also, by extension, to all civilian victims of armed conflicts which continue to spread around the world.

The exodus at the heart of the Battle of Normandy

The story takes place in Saint-Lô, between April 29, 1944 and the beginning of August 1944. It tells the story of daily of four families before, during and after the Landing.

During the terrible bombings which will give its name of “capital of ruins” to the capital of La Manche, these four families will for a time find refuge in the large shelter built under the ramparts, then take the path of exodus under the Allied bombs and heart of the Battle of Normandy.

From our correspondent Étienne DEVAILLY

The novel “The Tunnel, Saint-Lô, June 1944” by Yves Corver is available in the main bookstores in La Manche and on the Internet for €22.

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