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“I kept this shame inside me”

“I kept this shame inside me”
“I kept this shame inside me”

Denise Fabre made an impression with her sparkling smile. And yet, she experienced very dark moments… so much so that she tried to end her life, as she confided on RTL.

Denise Fabre began her career as a announcer on the second channel of ORTF. The one who married the chef Francis Vandenhende then moved on to careers in the media: actress, radio and TV presenter, etc. The mother of twins born in 1980 was even a candidate on Christian Estrosi’s UMP list in 2008 for the municipal elections. At 81 years old, the former announcer can boast of having a great career under her belt and above all, we will not forget her delicious laughs live. However, she experienced extremely complicated times in her youth, to the point of having attempted to kill herself…

Denise Fabre, sent “to a reformatory”: “I was ashamed”

Denise Fabre received a very strict education during her adolescence. “At the time, when you refused midnight leave because you arrived at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m., the families would tell you: ‘I’m going to send you to a reformatory’ (…) and then one day, well, there you go, I found myself in a reformatory“, she told RTL on June 22, half-joking about her sad situation.

At the time, Denise Fabre had a very difficult time being placed in a reformatory. “I was ashamedshe confirmed to the host’s microphone. I kept this shame inside me by telling myself: ‘But what did I do?’ Questioned by Éric Dussart, she confirmed having felt “guilt” at this moment.

How did Denise Fabre attempt suicide?

Denise Fabre was very unhappy in this pension. Desperate, she decided to end it and took medication. While she was in class, when it was time to hand in her paper, she collapsed. Transported to hospital, she was fortunately taken care of in time and underwent a battery of examinations to understand her actions.

We said to ourselves: ‘She’s gone crazy'”, she remembered. And it is largely thanks to her profession that the ex-speaker was able to get back on track. “This discovery of the profession was a resurrection for me. It was love, friendship“, she revealed.



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