Jacques Touret simultaneously publishes an essay and a novel

Jacques Touret simultaneously publishes an essay and a novel
Jacques Touret simultaneously publishes an essay and a novel

Jacques Touret, from Availles-en-Châtellerault, former technical executive in aeronautics in Châtellerault, simultaneously publishes two works with Narratif editions: My Crossroads, both a personal testimony and an essay, and Between clouds and cleara novel.

The first is a new version of a work released in 2009 by Geste editions. “I was not satisfied with the outcome. Fifteen years later, I was able to take a step back. It was easy for me to take the text and make a much more complete version of it from my point of view”testifies, Friday June 14, 2024, the author aged 80.

“In observation and questioning”

In this book “which runs from the 1950s filled with hope to the 2000s full of doubts”Jacques Touret, “while strolling along the paths of his childhood, that of school and catechism, leads the reader, through discursive reflection, into the alleys of today’s society whose excesses he denounces.”

The essayist, who is located “in a left-wing current of thought” and whose favorite author is “Montaigne, undoubtedly”addresses various social topics, “secularism, religion, sexuality, the world of work, the peasant world”. “I am observing and questioning. »

“The life I dreamed of”

It is by “need for distraction” that Jacques Touret wrote a novel at the same time, his first.

Between clouds and clearings tells the love story between Henri and Nathalie, a young couple who life will not spare and who must “mobilize your strength, your resistance and above all your love to overcome” the tests.

“It’s a dive into what occupies us all the time, feelings”explains the author, who drew “a little bit of him” to write this ” fiction “. “In a way, I wrote the life I dreamed of”summarizes the father of two children, who himself had to overcome ordeals, the most painful of which was the death of his wife following an illness, at the age of 54.

“Mes Chemins de traverse” (€19) and “Between clouds and light” (€17), published by Narratif, on sale in Châtellerault at La Librairie (place Dupleix) and at the Leclerc cultural space.



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