“We get to know each other”, Loïc (Married at first sight) tells his new crush

“We get to know each other”, Loïc (Married at first sight) tells his new crush
“We get to know each other”, Loïc (Married at first sight) tells his new crush

This Saturday, June 29, 2024, Loïc, known for his participation in Married at First Sight, organized a live on his Instagram account. The opportunity for the young man to make some confidences about his love life.

Screenshot Married at First Sight / M6

This doesn’t work every time. A few weeks ago, Loïc and Ophélie said yes to each other in front of their loved ones in Gibraltar under the eyes of viewers of Married at first sight. But the chemistry between the two candidates was ultimately not there. If they had decided to stay married during the assessment of the adventure, they finally announced their decision to divorce in the episode broadcast this Monday, June 24, 2024.

“I have someone in mind”: Loïc in love? He tells

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, Loïc, who decided to change careers and leave ambulances behind, spoke on social media through a live broadcast organized on his Instagram account. For the occasion, the young man let himself go with a few revelations about his love life: “Officially, I’m single…” he first said before continuing: “Unofficially, I’m talking to someone, I have someone in mind. We’re talking, we’re getting to know each other. We’re going to see each other soon so I’m really looking forward to it.“, he explained. Later, Loïc clarified that the lucky lady was not known to the general public, and that he had met her through social networks: “She is a very nice person and it feels good to meet people who have the same values ​​as us, it’s really great.“, he first assured before adding: “She replied to one of my stories (…) she said something that I liked right away and I wanted to dig deeper” he concluded.

“I’m not interested in his life.”

It therefore seems that his adventure with Ophélie is well and truly behind him! A fact far from surprising since the young man had already confided that he no longer followed the latter on social networks: “We took two different paths, and I just don’t care about his life” he explained, before adding that they were not on bad terms: “There are no right or wrong terms (…) I just don’t want to continue talking with someone who is diametrically opposed to me.“Later, the young paramedic explained that he liked Ophélie physically, but that she”did not correspond in any way” to what he wanted.



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