Pier Davi explores a new literary genre

With the publication on October 24 of his 11th book entitled “Until the end”, Pier Davi explores a new genre, the dark psychological thriller.

In an interview, the man who has lived in Victoriaville for almost a year explained that he wanted to try this new style, he who is known more for his stories with a horror flavor. “I’m abandoning this style a little, but I remain Machiavellian,” he announces.

The new self-published book tells the story of importer Ben Stanford who hits the road to get away from his family and reunite with his friend and business partner. However, along the way, he will relive passages from his past. What happened to him? Is it drugs, illness or even madness? “It’s very punchy with an ending that leaves you speechless,” he says.

The author wanted to add, at the beginning of each chapter of the 261-page book, an image that adds something extra to the literary experience. “I love this new style and I have already started a new book which brings back the main character from “The Dive of the Roses” published some time ago,” he adds. In doing so, he wishes, for the moment, to abandon the gory and focus more on the psychological aspect of the writing.

Pier also announces that the launch of this new book will take place at Gavroche in Victoriaville on October 24 and will take the form of a happy hour. It will then be available directly on Amazon. “I am proud of this new book. I had it pre-read and the feedback was positive,” he appreciates.

In addition to this new book, the author indicates that a great year 2025 is ahead for him. This is because the musical comedy “Noémia”, which he developed with Karl Hugo and for which he acted as lyricist, will be presented again, but in Europe. In 2008, in fact, it was proposed only three times, for a charity near Verdun. It will therefore be a big return to the other side of the Atlantic for this production that the duo is, of course, seeking to introduce to Quebec. “It’s a love story full of beautiful songs,” he sums up. In fact, Noémia is an orphan who became a biomedical researcher. She will have to choose between her mentor and a man on the street who introduces her to real life. Prisoner of this love triangle, she is also desperately looking for her sick sister. It will therefore be necessary to monitor whether the European presentation opens doors in the province for this musical show.

Pier Davi writes full time and in his free time, he enjoys discovering his new region with his partner.

  • His new book which will be published in October. (Photo courtesy)



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