The great book of mills

The great book of mills
The great book of mills

The Decizoise media library has been enriched with an original work, The great book of the mills between and Allier, hand-delivered by three members of the Association of Morvan and Nièvre mills.

A new book will sit on the shelves of the Decize municipal library: The great book of mills between Loire and Allier offered by the Association of Morvan and Nièvre mills.

“The mills contribute to bringing rurality to life”

It is very officially that three of its members recently came to hand over two copies of this typescript to Michèle Motmaenfar, head of the media library. [texte original tapé à la machine]. A document of one hundred and seventy-two pages, very detailed, including maps, reproductions of tables, which takes inventory of the dozens of mills (disappeared or not) listed in the Decizois region.

“We bring this work in all friendship, to make known to those who are interested in the subject the wealth that the mills represent for Nièvre, they contribute to bringing rurality to life,” explained the president of the association, Francis Lefebvre -Vary, alongside the vice-president, Françoise Demarche.

Inexhaustible on the subject, the author of the typescript, Philippe Landry, considered the living memory of the association, spent long hours in the departmental archives. “I also consulted the notarial minutes, rich and precise documents, containing a host of anecdotes which I was able to transcribe to write The great book of mills », Confided the passionate historian.

Michèle Motmaenfar, delighted with this donation, will soon install the two copies in a prominent place in the local documentary collection.

Association. Founded in 1983, the association, based in Cosne, became the Association of Morvan and Nièvre mills in 2013. Its goal: to preserve and enhance the economic, historical and natural capital represented by the mills, to encourage the production of renewable energy (hydroelectricity), the preservation of biodiversity, wetlands and their maintenance. It has 160 members, mainly from Nièvre, and Yonne.




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