Feminine spies, Notre-Dame de Paris, baptism and family, democracies and authoritarian empires, Christian civilization. Overview of the Books of the week.
Marie-Laure Buisson, Espionnes. Six agents secrets d’exceptionLes Presses de la Cité, €22.
Anyone who has watched James Bond knows to be wary of women from the shadowy realm. Beautiful and attractive, but also intelligent, daring, endowed with great intuition and unfailing composure, they lead a number of clandestine operations in the game played by the great powers of this world, which constantly to spy on each other. Through the portraits of six of them, we are immersed in the world of the secret services, of the 20the century to the present day.
Catherine of Lhasa, Beautiful history of Notre-Dame de ParisPlein Vent, €19.90.
As the date of the reopening of our cathedral approaches, this richly illustrated children's book allows us to go back in time through eighteen beautiful stories which describe the great moments in the life of Notre-Dame. From its initial construction 800 years ago to the terrible fire of 2019, including the wish of Louis XIII and the coronation of the Emperor, we read with pleasure these little stories which take us into the great history, including Our- Lady of Paris was the first witness.
Vincent Gourdon, History of baptism. From the Middle Ages to the present dayCompound past tenses, €23.
The number of religious baptisms is decreasing, as is religious practice. However, the ritual demand is still very present in families. Faced with this observation, we could approach the question of baptism from multiple angles: religious history, anthropology, sociology, demography, but also administrative history, the history of health, the history of migrations, family history. In this vast bibliography, some fields are richer than others. For the most part, they are quite waterproof. This work intends to contribute to their rapprochement, by embracing the subject in the broadest possible way, with an emphasis on religious practice and the evolution of family life, in particular the place given to the child.
Nicolas Baverez, Democracies versus authoritarian empires – Freedom is a fightAlpha, 9€.
In the great upheaval of the world, where authoritarian empires and democracies clash, freedom is in danger. Violence is unleashed, globalization militarized, and conflicts take on global dimensions. All of this reveals the poor state of our democracies, disarmed, turned in on themselves, prey to internal and external tensions. In this essay, Nicolas Baverez, editorialist at Point and at Figarocalls on them to pull themselves together, take their responsibilities, and mobilize together with courage to save freedom.
Philippe d'Iribarne, Beyond Christian fracturesSalvator, €21.50.
Following the Second World War, the need for a updatea major update of the Church, was essential. But never has the Catholic Church been so divided as since the Second Vatican Council. There are many divisions between traditionalists, progressives, those who prefer not to align themselves or those who distance themselves from the Church. Not to mention the wider and deeper Christian divides, despite ecumenical initiatives. In fact, the utopia of a fraternal and regenerated humanity, just like reactionary nostalgia, which aims to be the last rampart of Judeo-Christian civilization against postmodern ideology, are only the reflections of temporal choices. In the midst of these fractures, what message does the Church carry for the world? It is by seeking the answer in the very heart of Christianity that Christians will be able to bear witness to their faith, beyond their divisions.