The selection for the 2024 Beach Book Prize revealed

The selection for the 2024 Beach Book Prize revealed
The selection for the 2024 Beach Book Prize revealed

Jean-Christophe Rufin, president of the jury, as well as the winner and the competing authors will have the opportunity to sign autographs and interact with the public during an afternoon of literary discussions on the Grande plage des Sables d’Olonne.

The 2024 selection of seven titles:

Such a beautiful blueby Florian Forestier, Belfond

The Ladies of War: Saigon, by Laurent Guillaume, Robert Laffont

My nights without Bardotby Simonetta Greggio, Albin Michel

The promise of the open seaby Arnaud de La Grange, Gallimard

Louisiana, by Julia Malye, Stock

Himmler’s nursery, by Caroline de Mulder, Gallimard

The Unknown Portraitby Camille de Peretti, Calmann-Lévy

Winners of the Beach Book Prize

This annual prize rewards a book published during the year and offers to its winner €5000, as well as a memorable stay in Les Sables d’Olonne, an ideal place to find inspiration, write and read. Thanks to the support of the City of Sables d’Olonne, Figaro Magazine and the Espace Culturel Leclerc Les Sables d’Olonne, this prize has established itself as a salty, original and unmissable literary event in the French cultural landscape. .

Previous winners include Alfred de Montesquiou, awarded in 2021 for his novel The Star of Borders, Gauthier Battistella in 2022 for ChiefAnd Jean-Paul Delfino in 2023 for Guyanas. These works, praised by critics, have been widely appreciated by many readers, whether in the shade of their hat, with their feet in the water or on the warm sand.


In addition to President Jean-Christophe Rufin, member of the French Academy, the jury is composed of : Christian Authier, literary critic and writer; Isabelle Billaud (Espace Culturel Leclerc) and Pierre Denis (Les Fables d’Olonne), both booksellers in Les Sables d’Olonne; Jean-Christophe Buisson, deputy editorial director of Figaro Magazine; Laurence Caracalla, journalist and literary critic; Jean-François Dejean, Deputy for Culture of the City of Les Sables d’Olonne; Nicolas Ungemuth, deputy editor-in-chief at Figaro Magazine; and Aïda Valceanu, organizer of literary meetings.

Find the list of French and French-speaking literary prizes

Photo credits: Beach Book Prize



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