“Being reduced to…”: Raphaël Glucksmann beside himself in C à vous, he makes a chilling revelation

“Being reduced to…”: Raphaël Glucksmann beside himself in C à vous, he makes a chilling revelation
“Being reduced to…”: Raphaël Glucksmann beside himself in C à vous, he makes a chilling revelation

Head of the Socialist Party list during the last European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann came in third position in the votes behind Jordan Bardella (RN) and Valérie Hayer (Renaissance) with around 14% of the vote. Following the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, Léa Salamé’s companion decided to join the New Popular Front formed by the left-wing parties in the context of the next legislative elections.

A rallying point that does not seem to be to everyone’s taste. Indeed, during a recent visit to Marseille on Thursday June 20, 2024, Raphaël Glucksmann was attacked by a local resident. “Hello Mrs. Do you want a leaflet for the elections?“, he first told her. Before the latter replied: “Oh no thanks. Shame on you as a Jew. Be cursed“. Extremely harsh remarks on which Léa Salamé’s companion was questioned the next day in the show C à vous on France 5.

Raphaël Glucksmann: “My phone number is circulating on the Telegram loops of the Jewish far right”

“Here, we touch on something that I find extremely dangerous. You know, during the European campaign, I was attacked by Insoumis circles as being Zionist. Pro-Netanyahu. (…) Because, ultimately , I was reduced to my name and my origin”, explained Raphaël Glucksmann in particular. The MEP then made a chilling revelation on the set of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

“On the Telegram loops of the Jewish extreme right there is my telephone number circulating. And since this morning I have received dozens of calls and text messages per hour on the theme “be cursed”. Stop reducing my words about having a Jewish name”, then revealed Raphaël Glucksmann. The politician also wanted to make a small clarification.

“I decide as a French citizen,” said the MEP

“I am French. I act. I think. I decide as a French citizen. Who was raised in the cult of this Republic which only recognizes French citizens. (…) To be reduced to this identity, I think it is a sign of an extremely deep malaise in our relationship with politics and the Republic.”affirmed Raphaël Glucksmann.

A few days earlier, the MEP had indicated to the
Parisian is “not campaign for certain Insoumis candidates. Who have crossed all the red lines.” “I will campaign for candidates who share a vision of France. From Europe and the world close to mine”also added Raphaël Glucksmann.



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