[Rencontre] Nicolas Renahy presents his latest book – Dijoncter.info

[Rencontre] Nicolas Renahy presents his latest book – Dijoncter.info
[Rencontre] Nicolas Renahy presents his latest book – Dijoncter.info

Meeting with Nicolas Renahy for his book Until the end, growing old and resisting in the working worldpublished by La Découverte on Friday, October 18 at 6 p.m. at the bookstore La Fleur qui prosse à l’industrie.

The working condition has long been the sociological subject par excellence. But few are interested in workers once they have left what made them a de facto social class: the factory. However, this is the whole subject of Nicolas Renahy’s new sociological investigation which focuses on those who were united by the workers’ struggle but whose life today is no longer that of the factory. Thus showing a majority population and yet invisible politically and in the media, the sociologist immersed himself in the daily lives of former workers to understand how the social struggle is reconfigured in the face of the challenge of physical and mental old age. .

Nicolas Renahy, Until the end. Growing old and resisting in the working worldThe Discovery, 2024.

Bruno, Christian, Clairette, Christiane and Viviane are “ Peugeot veterans » in Sochaux-Montbéliard. Battered by factory work, these retirees place union activism and friendly solidarity at the heart of their lives. Through what experiences do they learn to grow old together ?

Based on a sensitive insight into their daily lives, this book reveals a little-known reality: that of physical and social aging in the working world. It sheds new light on forgotten issues of pension reform and on the distance from politics in the working classes, showing the importance of local resistance to capitalism and the far right. Reuniting, thirty years later, with certain respondents from La Misère du monde, Nicolas Renahy offers an embodied sociology of old age and social belonging, which invites us to rethink the working condition in the light of class, gender and generational relationships.

Neither passive nor inactive », these former workers are far from being set back by their retirement. While the end of the working world continues to be announced, these “ old branches » continue to fight, show solidarity and pass on to young people the meaning of the fight against injustice. Until the end.



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