Heritage Days, an opportunity for these high school students to enjoy life-size history books

Heritage Days, an opportunity for these high school students to enjoy life-size history books
Heritage Days, an opportunity for these high school students to enjoy life-size history books

The heritage days in Bagnères were conducted in close partnership with the Lycée Victor-Duruy, a new feature that everyone enjoyed.

It was under the leadership of Yannick Arberet, heritage delegate, that this unique collaboration was set up with the first-year students from the Bagnérais high school.

This option, which is led by Mrs. Gourio, includes the usual subjects of history and geography, but also geopolitics and political science. So many disciplines that transform teaching and require an evolution in the method. This is what this passionate teacher has set out to do, by developing another form of teaching, which includes a more practical and on-the-ground part, a kind of apprenticeship.

If the critical analysis of a historical situation remains the basis, the study of sources is now taught, as well as oral expression and autonomy in work. Four areas that are taken into account and that will make the high school student a more critical adult in his observations, attentive and curious about everything, but also independent in his choices and convictions, strong in proven knowledge.

The partnership set up with the town hall was an opportunity for these first-year students to work in the field, serving their town and visitors. As historians, they had to present the places to the public. From the study of buildings, both historical and architectural, to anecdotes found here and there, our young “researchers” and guides for a day were able to captivate an audience that was both informed and curious, by combining knowledge with quality oral expression. They managed to bring back to life, for the space of a weekend, these places that are sometimes forgotten or simply unknown, such as the casino theater, a real attraction of these heritage days.

The dates, personalities, municipality and other events related to this mythical place were evoked with accuracy and precision. How many of these visitors had known this room? Many, no doubt, and yet these students taught them even more.

The town hall and its elected teachers

It is a real asset for the municipal team to have teachers among its elected representatives. Indeed, one could come across Mr. Barthe, First Deputy, or Mr. Arberet, Heritage Delegate, on the sites open for visits. These two essential players at the town hall, both teachers, have demonstrated that methods when they are innovative, when they involve young students in municipal activities, are an additional attraction, for the benefit of all.

If there is no wealth but men, to paraphrase Jean Bodin, then the next generation is there with those in the making at the Lycée Bagnérais. Their work upstream and their performance during these days demonstrated this. Teachers, method, students and elected officials worked for heritage, culture and their city. Ms. Gourio is right to think that “trust makes you grow”. Her students shone, and her method through them.



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