Since December 19, Saint-Priest has hosted an EVA complex of nearly 2,500 m2 offering both an EVA virtual reality esports arena (Esports Virtual Arenas), but also pickleball courts, and a sports and performance center for executives and managers.
The EVA centers, created in 2018, continue to develop. The network, based on franchising, now has more than forty complexes in France. A new room has just opened in Saint-Priest, led by Fanny Lageron who has mobilized 22 associates to her side, including Laurent Fiard.
The Saint-Priest center offers the opportunity to play After-H, a game entirely developed by EVA. It is a first-person shooter (FPS) game that is played in an arena with dimensions similar to a basketball court. Thus, the ten players who compete each cover, on average, 1.4 km per 40-minute session.
The Saint-Priest complex also offers a sports offering with five pikleball courts, a racket sport.
Fanny Lageron specifically targets private events and business seminars. “ I also saw a big interest for companies for team cohesion. We’re having a really nice time. This is what companies are looking for for their team building », Explains the director of the center which employs ten people.
A coaching room for managers and senior executives
A seminar room that can accommodate 30 people has also been planned, as well as a Gapex sports and performance center for directors and managers. “ The Gapex method was created by Andréa Gouit whose leitmotif is to say that the manager is a high-level athlete in his field and that he must have a healthy lifestyle, even if the conditions are not always optimal », adds Fanny Largeron.
The e-sports sector is booming. In 2022, the turnover of electronic sports reached 141.4 million euros in France, an increase of 182% compared to 2019, reports the Center for Sports Law and Economics. The France e-sport barometer estimates that there are 10 million consumers and practitioners of e-sport.