Zinedine Zidane’s luxurious house in Madrid is more than 1000m2, the many assets that allow it to stand out

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

World football champion and considered one of the best players on the planet, Zinedine Zidane has taken up residence in Spain with his wife Véronique Fernandez. In addition to a large swimming pool, a gym and an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters, the home of the former footballer – who is celebrating his 52nd birthday today – has a very special, and almost unique, asset!

Zinedine Zidane’s luxurious house in Madrid is more than 1000m2, the many assets that allow it to stand out

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Established for more than twenty years in a vast residence located not far from Madrid airport estimated at more than 6 million euros, Zinedine Zidane and his wife Véronique Fernandez enjoy an idyllic living environment in Spain. According to our colleagues from the Spanish magazine Sextathe property of the former world football champion “covers just over 1,000 square meters” and was built in 2003 by the renowned architect Joaquin Torres who was inspired by the George V hotel in Paris.

Outside, the residence stands out for its large garden, its swimming pool and even a private football field (…) The landscaper, renowned for his work at the Port Aventura amusement park, was able to create a harmonious and welcoming, conducive to relaxation and conviviality“, add our colleagues from Home newspaper. This residence would also have “a sports hall and a city stadium” according to the magazine’s journalists Sports. A real palace where Zidane’s entire family meets – free since his departure from Real Madrid in spring 2021 – and of course his children Enzo, Luca, Théo and Elyaz.

Zinedine and Véronique in love since 1989

A great success for the footballer who met his wife at the young workers’ center in Cannes when he was only 17 years old. Interviewed by the magazine GQ in 2023, he remembered his very first apartment which he shared with his wife. “When we arrived in Madrid (in 2001, editor’s note), we lived in an apartment with a very small garden. I remember playing with them on the top floor and having to get down on my knees because of the attic roof. I’ve done things with it! Fortunately Théo and Elyaz spared me a little afterwards“, he confided, grateful for his incredible wife who has been with him since his beginnings.

We made our life together, our paths are complementary, that’s what’s magnificent in fact (…) There is no filter between us, everything is said, everything is done, and it’s beautiful. Because yes, I owe him everything“, he added Téléfoot.



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